<< 05-09-14 >>


@ 2:14 p.m.

it's kinda strange that the day after i posted my last entry, it's like my depression just randomly decided to go away. i have no explanation for it whatsoever. i'm just enjoying it.

heard some possible good news today. c's latest ticket seems to have disappeared. he never got anything in the mail, asking him to take care of the ticket, and when he tried to search for the ticket number on the dmv website, it doesn't exist. it also doesn't exist under his driver's license, so it seems like the cop never turned in the paperwork. the court date on the ticket has already passed, so something should've happened now but nothing did, so more likely than not, we don't have to worry about it. i'm trying not to get too excited about this, since i guess you never know if it might show up?! but if it turns out that we don't have to worry about this either then... there's only 1 ticket left to fight, and even if we lose that one, it's 1 point, as opposed to the possible 4 for the 4 tickets he got. all in all, this is really good. i'll cross my fingers that maybe this last one will somehow get dismissed as well.

forget if i told you (pretty sure i did), but c's company isn't doing so well cause sony dropped the game they were working on for them... well now microsoft is possibly interested in publishing for the game. i really hope this will end up being the case cause then c wouldn't have to worry about finding another job, and since c is so slow to make anything happen, this is great news. otherwise if he got laid off, he may have been out of work for a few months because i imagine it would take him awhile to find something. then i would've had to kiss the idea of getting engaged this year goodbye.

ugh, i wish that idea was never drilled into my head. i was perfectl fine with not being engaged/married, but now that my mom has pushed it on me, i feel like i'm missing something because i'm not engaged/married.

so the tickets for kroq weenie roast went on sale today at 12pm, and i foolishly forgot about it even after much reminding the hours leading up to it. i blame c who called me and distracted me. well, i tried to buy tickets about an hour ago, but all that's left is the lawn (no actual seats) and this bothers me greatly cause i'll bet people will stand and then i'll be forced to stand if i want to see anything. i'm not super bummed about it because there's only foster the people that i really want to see, as opposed to the bands last year being so much better. i was pretty bummed about the line up. but i would've gone still if we just had seats, because it would've ended up being a fun day. oh well, i'll ask c when i get home if he might be interested. or if the tickets are sold out then, i won't bother going this year i guess.

my music is actually going really well. lately i've learned that i really need to stop nit picking about a few particular sections of a song i can't figure out. i can't figure it out probably because it's a lot more diffcult and beyond me at this moment. i'm just trying out all sorts of music and playing the parts i can. i figure eventually i'll get good enough that the hard parts that i can't get now will eventually come. i feel a lot better about it, like i'm not completely awful.

oh yeah, also i'm trying to lose weight again. after being around 155 for most of last year, and 160 for most of the end of last year and beginning of this year, well i was quite depressed how it was going. i know part of it was weight gained on vacation that i couldn't seem to lose, but clearly i was doing something wrong. and i was eating so much fast food, that was probably the biggest problem. anyway i started eating these meal replacement shakes for lunch. i'm now down to 150 lb. i've not been doing so well this week though, ate a lot of extra food and such, but so far i've still managed to remain at 150. i couldn't believe it. i'd really love to lose more weight, but i'm wondering maybe it won't happen... at least not unless i exercise or something..

anyway, that's pretty much all that's going on with me. oh yeah and one other thing... c's recently actually started to ask me to join him in playing league?! that was never a thing. it somehow makes me feel so loved. such a stupidly simple thing to do too.