<< 08-24-12 >>

drinking with Kings

@ 11:03 a.m.

Eh. It's only 11, but I'm pretty much done with all my work and I'm kind of bored as fuck... so I'll just talk about yesterday just cause I have the time... not really cause I really need to say much about it.

We got there at past 7pm I think to eat korean bbq. The whole thing was dana's idea, that we'd eat and then there would be drinking afterward. I didn't really care so much about the food as I did really want to drink. Plus I also knew that Z would be there and he has pot, so I was hoping for that since we were going to his place. Well, we ate for awhile. The food was mediocre, but I guess that's what you get for pretty cheap pricing. Dana brought along a friend and his gf. I'd never met them before. I thought I was pretty nice the entire evening (well to the new people), considering I'm known for saying mean things though not really meaning them. I like to think of it as being blunt. Apparently it was haircut day cause everyone had a hair cut. Both Ris and Z had a haircut, and Shin had cut his hair about 2 weeks ago... Z looked about the same, but Ris looked awful. I was really sad cause Ris is actually extremely attractive.. or at least physically, I am definitely attracted to him. but wow that haircut.. I can't believe how awful it looked on him. I was saying that to him all night, and he doesn't like it either.

Anyway, going to Z's place got cancelled, since he just moved to his new place and nothign was set up yet. I guess there weren't even chairs... so we ended up going to Ris's place instead. I was bummed about no pot, but I was happy to drink. We played Kings, which I had never done before. And I think I've realized something. i think there are certain alcohol that takes to me alot harder than other ones. For example, last night I had a mixed drink with jager and monster, and I drank quite a bit. I would say about 1-2 cup full of Jager and I felt just fine. But I remember before that when I drank tequila, I felt awful. I maybe had 2 shots and couldn't take anymore. My stomach was a mess and I wanted to puke. I had cold sweats and just walking would make me dizzy and want to puke. So Jager is a yes. Tequila maybe not so much. Kings was a pretty fun game actually. I wouldn't mind doing it again.

Marcos is coming over on Sunday cause he managed to get some chocolate that has weed in it. I'm pretty excited as I haven't ingested weed in a long time, but last time I did, I was so high out of my mind and for awhile. I'm really looking forward to it.. as it seems like smoking just doesn't last or hit that hard... I'm actually looking forward to not being able to function. Yes.

I'm thinking about seeing the new Joseph Gordon Levitt movie tonight. I love him so much. He's a great actor..

I've actually been thinking a little bit about writing again lately. I guess the thing is I somehow keep being reminded of tragic love stories. Why do I love them so? Maybe it makes me want to reach out and save them... I just wish I could create something that would affect people like how I'm affected. I guess I don't really have much to say so I'll end here.