<< 08-20-12 >>

Ugh.. one of those days

@ 9:01 a.m.

ugh I feel like shit today. Maybe I should've just taken a sick day. I kept thinking there was something here at work that definitely needed to be taken care of... that I should be responsible.. but now that I'm here, I'm not 100% sure there were and I'm still too lazy to check. I spent a majority of the weekend playing lol... mostly by myself and with my brother. i lost 3 ranked games last night with ris. then it was 2am and I knew I needed to call it a night. It seems like I go through these phases of not wanting to play and then I play a couple games and start to feel obsessed. I'm sure it'll go away soon, it's not really an addiction or anything. I felt annoyed at c last night and I don't really know why. It was after I had fallen asleep on the bed and then he joined me. Maybe cause he watched more 30 Rock without me.. or maybe cause I was dreaming about lol (I hate how that happens when I play it too much)... either way I felt so irritated last night... and now today I feel like shit. I'm torn between wanting to go home and just finishing out the day. I wish I wasn't so diligent... then I would've just taken today off. I've been here a year now and I've yet to take a single sick day yet... and still I can't bring myself to call in sick today or leave early. I'm drinking some hot tea and I'm hoping this will make me feel better. I guess maybe I'll go out and get a hot lunch today. I just feel so bleh I have to do something... (not to say that I'm no longer happy or am feeling down or anything)