<< 06-26-12 >>

Happy to be out

@ 3:48 p.m.

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday. I got home and c and I ended up spending the entire afternoon together watching 30 Rock. He didn't really touch his computer, and I didn't even have a chance to turn mine on yesterday.

On top of that, I asked him to help me with the laundry and he did. With his usual enthusiasm, I guess, but he still did it. And in the end, when I got sleepy, he helped me out and took up the laundry from the dryer. (We hate doing the laundry because it's a shared facility with a bunch of other people in this huge complex and everyone is a piece of shit who leaves their clothes in the washer or dryer for hours at a time)

I had fallen asleep, and he had made a deal with me that if he brought up the clothes up, we'd go out. It doesn't sound like a bad bargain on my end at all, the trouble is that usually when I've fallen asleep, I have a hard time waking up... until my body decides nope, no more, it's time to wake up. I wish my body could be more controlled in that sense, that I could decide I want to sleep now, or I want to wake up now, but usually when I'm tired, there's nothing to keep me from sleeping for as long as I need to, and when I'm not tired and I feel wide awake, it's a lot harder to push myself to sleep, especially if c is in the background making noises.

In any case, I agreed to this. I was surprised, since we hadn't really gone out during the weekday in a long time, and c hasn't expressed an interest in wanting to go out in a long time either, but it's because of the new car. He's excited to have a working car, and I think that on top of being excited in general has made him want to do something with his energy. At least I think that's what it is. So he suggested we go to Santa Monica pier. We hadn't really been there in a long time. I really didn't want to go because my body was saying SLEEEEEEP, but I knew it was a good idea for me to spend more time with c, and especially when he wanted to go out. I had to take advantage of that.

So I hoped that I could wake up by the time we got there. Sometimes I fall asleep in the car, and when I get to our destination, I'm too sleepy to want to go out, and I tell c, I think we're better off driving home... but this is usually after dinner (a restaurant) when I've drunk alcohol (makes me sleepy) and we're about to see a movie (definitely not gonna keep awake for that). So I was very glad when even during the ride to Santa Monica I was fading in and out of sleep, but yet once I got out of the car, I didn't feel tired as I had anticipated. and I didn't feel miserable! Instead I felt great! I was so glad to go out last night! I had a great time with c. We didn't do anything interesting, but I felt so happy.

We were gonna try out a bar, but I forgot my wallet, ergo my ID as well, so we didn't bother to try that. Instead we went to a sushi place that c has wanted to try before. It was really good, but super expensive. We probably won't go back there because the food wasn't worth all that. There's another sushi place we love to go to where we can get twice the amount of food for about the same price or slightly cheaper, and the sushi is just as good! The only thing redeeming about the place, was that we ordered tiramisu, and it was absolutely delicious. The best I'd ever had... Still.. it didn't make up for everything else, and the waitress was shitty.

Both me and C had a great time, and I am happy to report that I slept soundly last night. He stayed up for awhile after me (I collapsed as soon as I got home), but he managed not to wake me. and he got into bed at an reasonable hour (before 4am). I couldn't ask for anything else!!

I can't wait to go home. Which since it's past 4pm, that's what it's time for.

On another note, anime expo is this weekend. God, I remember when I used to really look forward to this... at best, maybe this year I will have fun on the DDR machine... if they bring the extreme mix. Last year they had a DDR super nova version. HEAVY SIGH... I always sucks when good things come to an end. But nonetheless, I asked for this Friday and next Monday off, so I'm going to enjoy my time away from work. I don't take nearly enough days off of work as everyone else here... but then again, I guess I haven't worked here that long... but it will be a year in a couple of months. Time passes by so quickly!