<< 11-11-11 >>


@ 9:30 a.m.

I haven't written in way too long, I don't really have any excuse for it, just that I've forgotten. Haha. Today is Friday. Finally it's the weekend and I wish it was starting already. I can't believe it's only 9:30, I still have over 6 hours to go. That seems like an enternity right now. I know it's not, but it damn well feels like it. I just want to go home already. It's not even like I have plans or something to look forward to doing, but I just don't feel like being here. I have absolutely no interest in it. I think a part of the reason could be because I'm insanely bored at work now. I've pretty much nothing to do right now and it's getting to me. Yes, boredom can be a bad thing. Maybe I'll get motivated and open up my story! Hah!

We haven't been swimming as much as we should be and that's been bothering me. I really should be much better about this. We went twice this week, and I did swim more laps than my usual, but it's still pretty shitty to only be going twice a week, when I was going four before. I can't seem to be motivated to go back into the old routine. Ugh.

I've been getting high a lot lately, but I find that pot isn't exactly what it used to be. I used to find everything so funny, yet during moments of concentration, it's not that extremely funny. Even while watching funny things on TV, somet of it is just not that funny? It's disappointing. What was it like before, that it was so hilarious then and not now? I don't know. I can't say I care for the lack of focus either. I can't follow a conversation at all, especially if I'm the one talking. I'll forget what I was talking about by the time I finish that sentence. My memory is insanely terrible. I wondering if getting high will get old.

I've been doing really well with C lately. I think more than twice this week, he had suddenly woken up and kissed me. I don't think we've had passionate morning kisses in awhile so that was a pleasant surprise. I know lately he's been super tired. Like last night, he didn't get home til 3:30 because of school. It's been super affectionate between us and I've been really enjoying that. Maybe we'll end up having morning sex again one of these days. Maybe..

Ugh, since starting this entry only 10 minutes have passed. Why is time soooo slow??