<< 10-26-11 >>


@ 12:51 p.m.

The cold has gotten worse. I'm coughing a lot, but this should be the worst it'll get. I just wonder how long it'll last. I want it to go away as soon as possible, but it might be a few days before I actually notice I start to get better. I went swimming yesterday and it didn't work out. I felt so light headed, so I'm probably not gonna go the rest of the week. I really hate having a cold. I don't think I used to care about it, but now it's insanely bothersome. I feel like it's always in the way of everything I want to do.

So I'm not stressed out anymore, thank god. C decided to drop his anthropology class after all. I thought I might be upset about it, but all I could feel was relief. It was nearly 10pm and he still wasn't home. I was so tired and just wanted to sleep. I had absolutely no energy to help him, but I knew if he wanted my help I would do it. But I'm okay with him dropping out because it won't require him to take another semester or year of school. This will give him more time to raise his grades in the class he's barely passing. Plus, after deciding to drop it, it was the most relief I've seen. He seemed to have a lightness I'd not felt since before summer.

It's only 1pm but I want to go home. Despite how tired I was last night I couldn't sleep. I stayed up til 2:30 watching law and order svu again. I can't believe I totally managed to get to work on time today and despite how tired I feel, it's not really noticeable compared to how the cold is making me feel overall.

Sigh. I swear I'm going to open up that file today. I can't believe it's almost been 3 weeks. Absolutely pathetic!

Oh yeah, I found this great Korean restaurant that serves soontofu. I can't believe how cheap it was and how close to our apartment it was. It really hit the spot yesterday, probably because of my cold. I almost want to go back again today, but I also really just want to sleep.