<< 10-12-11 >>


@ 2:38 p.m.

God it's insane how little time I have to rest. I've been working a lot during my lunch sometimes, but now I'm finally forcing myself to take an actual lunch. It's kind of hard for me to just relax here when there's so much work that still needs to be done. I'm the type of person that will finish everything and then take a break. However, for today, lunch time means taking a break, so I'll have 10 minutes here to type up this entry and then it's time to go back to work. I think I'll have to stay late again today which sucks.

Yesterday was day 2 of not swimming, which is bad. I was going to go. I rushed home at 4:30 to beat C coming home before me so we could go, but it didn't work out because C was already home. I felt bad going without him, and it turns out our roommate was high because his friend made him get high when he stopped by to get weed. Therefore, he didn't feel comfortable swimming or driving there. So yea, swimming didn't go yesterday. But we are recommitted and will go today and tomorrow. I'm guessing we probably won't go Friday, so I'll just have to work extra hard these 2 days to make for it.

So ramen didn't happen yesterday because after I got home, we decided to get high first then go out. What a terrible idea. We were all too stoned to want to drive. I've never been high and driving so I'm not sure how that would feel, but nobody wanted to take a risk. Instead we watched South Park and fell asleep. It kinda felt like a waste I guess. I think everyone was tired though. C fell asleep as well. He stayed up late the night before and woke up at around 7am. Our roommate had been working all week so he was tired. Yesterday was his first day of rest.

Afterwards we all woke up around 4:30 and we decided we were hungry. So we went to IHOP and got some breakfast and after I came back I took another nap before work had to start. It's weird. Because of that nap, I now feel like that breakfast never happened this morning... but it definitely did because I ate quite a bit and I've been full all day. Come to think of it, I haven't eaten anything in almost 12 hours now. That can't be good. I feel like maybe I gained a little bit of weight too. I will have to double check later today when I go swimming.

Now it's almost 3 pm and I better finish up as much work as I can, cause I want to get outta here by 4:30.

I guess my lunch hour is almost over, so I'll end for now.