<< 02-05-10 >>


@ 5:40 p.m.

i remember the last time i wrote in here, i didn't really have time to look at my buddy list or what they wrote... and this time not only do i not have time to look at my buddy list, i don't even really have time to write.

i've been meaning to write since monday, specifically about the fact that my weight has gone down to an amazing 168 lbs, and that's an official weight too. and i haven't really had time all week to ever write that out. well yesterday i weight myself and i'm officially at 165 lbs!! and heading close to 164. i am really excited and ecstatic about this because really, for awhile it seemed like i was working hard without any rewards. now i feel like i'm not working as hard and getting a lot of reward. but i feel bad because today the boss bought us mcdonalds, and i ended up eating a medium sized french fries... all of it.. and well i haven't eaten so much french fries since i started my diet. funny thing was that it wasn't THAT good, but it was still so good that i still had to have them!

anyway, the reason why i've been so busy is because chingy quit. he left early on tuesday, and then wednesday morning we found out that he decided to just quit, just like that. and apparnatly he told the boss tuesday night, when he came by to pick up some stuff. it was very... surprising, to us anyway. but yea, he wasn't a very good worker, and he was so unorganized. i ended up having to do a lot of his work that he was behind on... all the while needing to finish my own. it all seems very unfair to me anyway. i wonder how long it will be before he is replaced, but meanwhile i have a feeling that i literally won't have any free time to write in here, and i wonder if i'll ever feel like writing at home, because when i get home, i just want to read and stuff..

speaking of read, i've bought a ton of books, especially linda howard. i bought midnight rainbow, which was SO AWESOME. it's such a good book, and of course all of linda howard's men in her books are always hot, even if she describes them as average, or not particularly pretty, or something like that, it doesn't seem to matter to me (which i think is just her brilliant writing in the work) because she makes them sound hot anyway. i'm a little sad on the other hand that i didn't feel that heart melting sensation that i'm addicted to and is mostly the reason that i read those kinds of books, but it was still a really good read. usually i regret reading it if i don't end up feeling the heart melting thing, but this was just a good enough book to stand on it's own.

in other news, i haven't been on ro since my account expired and that was like 2 weeks ago i think. my guild leader, jason, hasn't contacted me AT ALL. what's up with that? and i keep meaning to message him, but i'm so busy and then i get sidetracked by the things i want to do (which really i don't have that much time to do) so i just end up going eh and don't do it. oh by free time, i literally mean that i have like 3 horus free time a day, unless i stay up late...

and sometimes i really do. sometimes i think i'm an insomniac. like on wednesday, i just couldn't seem to sleep... and i didn't fall asleep until 3am. i watched 3 movies on netflix. confessions of a shopaholic, which was surprisingly good. it was a chick flick yea, but there was actually witty writing/dialog and the main girl's acting abilities were good, plus the humor wasn't dry. i think it may have had something to do with the fact that it was based on a book. and the guy.. who was that guy? he was hot! i also saw made of honor (and i'm still a little baffled at why it's called "made" instead of "maid" because patrick demesy's character was not "made of honor" in the literal sense at all... maybe it was supposed to be sarcastic, but it was completely lost on me if it was) in any case, it was such a boring predictable movie. and i really don't know why it was made... but even that movie was gloriously good compared to the last movie i saw, american pie beta house. i mean, i kind of like american pie, the first one, and really, it was a likable movie, and i haven't really seen any of the sequels, but man it's terrible. it's just a chance to show some tits (and why bother when you could see it much better in porn). the plot was weak, the ending was weak. the boy-meets-cute-girl-and-does-embarrasing-things-but-the-girl-ends-up-being-cool-with-it was weak. the acting was weak. everything was weak. why was that movie even made? oh yea, to ruin the franchise (which i had no idea how badly it was ruined til now) and show some tits.

on a totally different note, i got a raise at work. i was getting $1800 a month at the very start. then i got a raise to $2000 in january, based on the agreement when i was hired, but then now he gave me another raise, to $2200. :D

ok i guess i'll go home now (yes i've typed this at work. i'm supposed to be off at 5pm, and it's now 6pm.) but i don't care though. i want to read more linda howard. i'm reading the sequel to midnight rainbow, which is diamond bay. (again, why are tehre so many hot men around?) so far, i really can't imagine the main guy acting the way he is. he was a character introduced in the first story, and now he's the main character here. i already reaaaallly miss the main guy from the first story. sometimes i really wish i could fall in love like those people in those stories she write. and then i fall back into reality and realize that's why books are so great, we can talk about and imagine things that will never happen. how depressing :(

edit: ok i just wanted to add... i've been on my period for 2 weeks! it started 2 weeks early this month, and has been going ever since. yesterday i went to the doctor's (because i now how medical coverage because of my job, YAY!!) so i think i may end up switching birth control pills (it's what's causing my 2 week period) because this is ridiculous. who bleeds for 2 weeks?! and i thought i may have been pregnant at first, but i wasn't. you know waht's weird, when i thought about it for a sec, the thought of having a baby sounded wonderful... (even though that sounds completely crazy because being pregnant scares me. like i saw a pregnant lady when i went to the doctor yesterday and i couldn't help but wince) but when i found out i wasn't pregnant, of course the logical part of me was relieved, and i didn't really think i was pregnant anyway, but i think a small, distant, part of me was just for a second disappointed.