<< 08-17-09 >>

Sunday Aug 16, 3:14pm (6)

@ 12:49 a.m.

Heya ****,

So er, i finally gotten around to my very belated reply. The only (lame) excuse i have is that i have written you an email twice(!) but somehow neither of them reached you. Otherwise, i can understand why you'd be kinda mad at me for taking so long.

I don't know if you got my other one, but like i wrote in that one, i certainly don't mind the emails, nor would i ever say "I don't want to talk to you anymore" because i have no reason to! So don't be silly and think i'd be uncomfortable or not want to talk to you anymore, yeah? :)

Haha, i still remember a couple of the stories that you wrote! If i recall correctly, it was a sort of thriller book which involved pig latin! I haven't a clue why i remembered that, but i also remember something to do with a garden..? Not sure why. I may still have a couple of the chapters! I've formatted my computer, but i may have a backup somewhere... i'll just need to search around for it somewhere in my room. My room's a mess... -_-;;

"If you're wondering, I still sometimes dream about writing novels, and I have a couple of ideas in mind, but I know I would never make the time to write it... which is kind of a shame I suppose."

Hmm, i don't see why you can't still dream about writing novels, no matter how busy you are. Plus, it's good to have dreams! As for me, i haven't a clue what i want to do in about 2-3 years time (it always seem to be the case for me eh) so er.. that's not so good. Dreaming about writing novels is a good thing, i think. Actually, i know you're busy working and being a student at the same time (are you still in uni; is it the final year? Or finished and working full time?), but i still think that you could take a little bit of time each week thinking of some loose ideas, or putting together characters in your head, for a book or short story, say.. i dunno, 20-30 minutes a week? In that case, you could probably finish a book in about...5-10 years! haha.. A very good friend of mine fulfilled one of her dreams and recently got her book published this year; it hasn't sold at all, and it'll never sell much, but it doesn't matter to my friend. The fact someone wanted to publish and sell it was more than enough for her. It only took 15 years to finish her book (^_^;;) So i think you can do it!

Out of interest, why do you think you've felt stuck in life? What's been happening with you lately (erm, uni? working? You're still with Paul [that's his name i think...])? I think the last time i looked at your diaryland journal was about a year and a half ago now. If it doesn't take too much time, would you mind updating me on what's been happening in your life? :)

"I actually really want to apologize for this. I feel like whenever I email you, I'm never happy, and I hope that I don't bring you down. I would hate it if it sounded like I came to you whenever I was depressed and had no one else to talk to."

Don't be silly! There is no need to apologise, and whenever you email, whether you're happy or not, whatever the situation, it's no problem! So stop apologising.

On the other hand, i'm going to have to apologise to you. I've checked through my emails and the first email ever is dated 30 September 2000, but the first email i get from you is 21 January 2003 (although i seem have emails from Yena/Zuri Kim, Daisy Choi and Nancy Pang way back in 2001) which is well past the time when we broke up (i think in 2001). I have no clue if i had another email address before this, or if i saved the conversations elsewhere on a CD. I sincerely apologise for this as i don't think this helps you one bit.

However, i'm almost certain i still have the letters that you sent me, and i should know where they are. Do you want me to send them to you? It'll have to wait until after my exams are finished (August 28th) but i can send it to you. Let me know what you think.

Oh, and here is the first email i have on my email address, if you're curious, have a nice weekend and hope all is well with you! :)