<< 05-26-09 >>

time to move on?

@ 9:36 p.m.

so. i'm taking a break from ro. how this came about?

well i decided once and for all that i'm not gonna talk to pat anymore. it just dawned on me that i feel like he's such an asshole in a way. first off, on ro, he promised that he was gonna heal slave me, but instead of doing that, he decided to get plastered, and then ended up helping someone else, or was trying to anyway. so that ticked me off. and while i decided that i wasn't going to accept heal slaves him anymore, i decided upon something else. in a conversation today, i basically asked how he was going to level his low leveled shit. but then he said he was just going to buy some items (ie. rare candy in pokemon, except bought) to level up. this was something that i did formerly and he criticized me for it, saying that i spent too much money and basically implying that it was an expensive way to level. but now that he's all rich or wahtever it's ok. and on top of that, what bothers me is that he's been complaining all this time about how the guild doesn't include him in shit, and how he doesn't get to go to mvp parties to make money and shit, and it turns out he's now rich. and a couple of days ago, he was still complaining that rina and her friends doesn't allow him in the Valk mvp. doesn't even sound like he needs it. i just hate his whole attitude and his outlook: that he's not happy unless he's an elitist. and how he's all fuck other elitist that doesn't include him. tl;dr he's a fucking douche.

so after i came upon the decision of not talking to him anymore, c said that he would buy me Poker Smash on xbox 360 (from the arcade) if i take a break from ro for the next 2 months. so i guess i'm going to do it. i think i need to think about other things for now, and i really shouldn't spend so much time on ro. this will be good for me. for now i'm gonna do homework though... i gotta finish the final for that 20 page research paper... and then i have 2 and a half weeks of school and then i graduate.... wow.