<< 03-13-09 >>


@ 6:27 p.m.

period hasn't started yet... bummer :( meanwhile, i still need to think of a good time to take the pills because i have to take it around the same time everyday. my weekdays and weekends kind of conflict with each other so that kinda sucks.

i'm trying to work on updating this everyday now so that possibly i'll remember to write out everything i want to. i have a lot of thoughts that i know i can or will want to write at the moment, but as soon as i might start writing in here, or after a few hours i'll forget, and when that turns into days not only might i not remember it, i'll also might not be bothered to write it. so writing everyday, or at least trying to should fix that.

so today was officially the last day of the quarter. that means next week is finals week. i woke up late today, which really kinda sucked for me. i mean there's being late, and there's being, oh fuck i'm up late and i didn't do last night's homework, and i still have to semi-pack for the weekend and i only have 15 minutes to do it if i want to get to class on time. i'm talking about the latter. so in any case, i was late to class by 20 minutes. it turns out that homework that i thought we had to turn in... well, we didn't even get that far, so he didn't need to collect it, which i guess is good because i didn't actually do it on paper, i just thought it out in my head, so if he calls on me (which he just might do since there's only about 10 people in the class) i would be ready! he really likes to put people on the spot too.

in any case, i had office hours with him to review for a bit for the final on monday, and i got my quiz back from last time and scored a 91 and half. and he told me that compared to the rest of the class, i am doing very well! i am actually quite excited about the finals. i know i got a little bit of studying and review, but i feel pretty happy and comfortable for the most part.

god, i think i must get pretty boring when i write everyday. i'm pretty sure everything that i just said was boring...

hmm... maybe i should rethink this writing every day stuff. i mean there's still a couple of other things i could mention here, but i don't think they're much more interesting than what i just said.

there's a few things i could say that are pretty damn interesting, but i don't feel that i am comfortable enough to say it lol...

still haven't messaged pat. i think my answer to this dilemma is that i'll text him and say, "god i've been busy" and text 2 will say, "what have you been doing?" as if i haven't been around the internet either~ i know he didn't block me so he doesn't know that i've been online. though i have to admit that i have been busy and not online as much as i would like, so it's not really a lie! i think he thinks that i'm pissed at him or something, which is why he probably hasn't said anything to me. hopefully this lets him know that i'm not mad at him without me having to say directly that i'm not mad at him, and also i like doing this indirect thing because then on my standards i haven't "stooped low" or "given in" and asked him why he hasn't been online or asked him if he's mad at me. also, more importantly i don't have to ask him if he's alright cause i'm worried about him or something like that. that would be kind of a lie anyway i think. i don't think i'm worried, just kinda pondering... and well i guess i am a little worried that we might not end up talking anymore... >.> remember, i can't keep a friend to save my life... and you know, this is probably why..

god, i'm cramping like my period should start any minute. so then why isn't it starting yet??

til next time.