<< 02-11-09 >>

my hidden silent goodbye (part3)

@ 8:13 p.m.

Hey ____,

Sorry this has taken nearly 2 weeks to write back. I keep meaning to, but then I get busy. To get to your email then...

Well, it wasn't so much that I didn't like smoking, it was more that I didn't see what was so enjoyable about it. I didn't really find myself disliking it other than the fact that I knew it was bad for me. So on occasion when other people were doing it, I just said why not? It wasn't like I was addicted to it or anything, and I did it for a social reason. I haven't done pot that much, maybe 3 or 4 times, but I don't think it's that harmful.

I think you turned out just great, but I am not sure it is because of me, or because of the fact that I told you not to smoke cigarettes lol.

I didn't really have any special plans for my birthday, but it wasn't a bad one. My mom's birthday was yesterday, and we went out to eat. It was nice.

We really have known each other for a long time! I hope you're doing well.
