<< 11-02-12 >>


@ 4:07 p.m.

i've been meaning to write all week, but have gotten distracted over other things and therefor have failed miserably. a few things are on my mind but as work is over in about 5 minutes i know i won't really get to go over them in detail at all.

so here's a few things: i still haven't really thought about or cared to try to think of a response to jeff's facebook message. i haven't really been on it since then, maybe i did, i can't even remember, but if i did, i didn't stay long. i had my first violin lesson, it went OK. I've been practicing the violin and the piano every day so far. i'm making slow but great progress on my piano, and i'm quite pleased by that actually. last night i had a hard piece that was frustrating, but i managed to get through it. and my violin skills are just coming back to me really quickly. i've flown past the first few pieces on the suzuki book 3. unfortunately, i didn't have the violin copy, only the piano accompanionment (i spelled that wrong but no time to look up the right spelling), so it's hard to read the violin part, so my teacher is ordering book 3 for me. so i feel like i've wasted that money since i have a feeling i will fly right by it in a matter of a month or so.

hmm.. the elections are coming up and i looked up the propositions, and i'm so disappointed at least half of them. why is california such utter shit, and why are politicians such utter shit? i feel like i'm in need of a surgery to cure whatever ails me, but all they offer me is asiprin or some other equally "treatment" that doesn't really treat shit. all these proposition are "temporary fixes" if even that. why not go to the source of the problem and actually fixing and addressing the real issue?

c is getting offers from so many company. he went to interview with microsoft and nvidia and now northrop grumman. he's already got 2nd interviews for the first two. i'm excited... maybe more than him..

so many things have been settled, including the trip to vegas, and i wanted to write about halloween horror nights at universal studios this weekend, but no time today... alas, i already have to go. i'll try to talk about it next time.

the only thing left is stupid iphones. goddamit apple i fucking hate you. the phones are out of stock like crazy, and you just passively give out 10 here and there. fuck you apple!!