<< 10-24-11 >>


@ 9:40 a.m.

Yesterday was probably the first Sunday night that I had enjoyed in a long time. I usually hate sunday nights, the reason is that for one, I have to go back to work, by night time, that really kicks in that it's almost over. two, c tends to be a dick on sunday nights and I don't know why. Out of all the days, c is most likely to stay up on sunday night til 2am or later playing lol or maybe minecraft. and i don't know why that would be considering that he needs to be up fairly early on monday. I guess it just doesn't matter to him. In any case, instead of him being on his computer while i climbed to bed, he went to bed first and then asked him to join me. I can't really remember the last time that happened. We watched law and order svu (mostly to appease me) until we fell asleep.

I'm starting to get pretty concerned over c's depression. there doesn't seem to be anything i can say or do to pull him out of it. he says he's lost and i can see that. he doesn't seem to know what to do with his life anymore. he's having a really tough time this quarter. i assured him that there'd only be one more left and then it'd be over, but that's just this quarter. what if his classes suck next quarter too? the ironic thing about it is he hated summer and was depressed because he was so bored. he just texted me. sounds like he didn't wake up in time for his class at 10... which is in 10 minutes. I'm scared for him more than usual lately.

I got a cold over the weekend and I've been trying to figure out how I got it. I didn't contract it from anyone. Was it stress? Stress from what? from work? from c? Or was it just a random occurrance? I'm pretty sure I got the cold due to stress, but have I been that stressed out lately? I feel pretty crappy right now and really want to go home. I know it could be worse though. This is not the worst cold I've had.

Not that this is of interest to anyone, but I've been doing really well at lol lately. Too bad I'm still losing a lot because my teammates suck.

I haven't touched my story in about 2 weeks now. It's fucking pathetic. Ever since I got busy at work, I have stopped opening the file altogether. Now I can't quite remember what parts I was working on, and it makes me not want to open the file at all. What a rut I am in. I was supposed to finish half the book by the end of the year. Two weeks have gone by with no progress. I'm pretty disappointed in myself. If only my head would stop hurting.

Oh yea, on another note. The roses are dying, but I think I've done my best to love them as much as I can the past few days. I guess I can still force myself to feel after all.