<< 01-25-10 >>


@ 4:30 p.m.

well. i guess i really had fun with this template. maybe a little too much... it's nice in certain ways, and i managed to learn some new coding while i was at it, but in the end i kinda feel like this picture seems like... someone totally exploded all over it. and while i enjoyed and loved making it, now when i look at it, it just literally seems like a bunch of puke. and while i was making it, i mean the past few days i've been addicted to bubbly by colbie caillat, but now that it's been made, of course i'm over this song. the one good thing is, kate and leopold is still one of... and probably (maybe) the only cheesy romance movie that i can watch over and over again. and i can ignore the flaws and the lack of logic in so many parts. i dont know why i like this movie so much? maybe because kate reminds me of myself, and maybe because leopold is so dreamy (i hate that word).

but anyway, i've currently been now enjoying the shins. i used to hate the shins. but now i like so many of their songs. probably cause c has it playing in his car a lot.

god, my diet is awful. i think maybe i said before that dieting is easy, it's really really not. like i've lived my whole life eating every meal til the point that i was full, and now all of a sudden i'm expected to NEVER feel full. i mean i did kind of get used to it, but currently i just feel awful. this must be why diets don't last. i mean, this past week, i admit i haven't worked as hard, but this past week i didn't lose ANY weight. and i'm not sure at one point if i GAINED weight. this indicated to my mom that i should start working harder again, eating less, and eating things that as i see it, could never make one feel full no matter how much of it they ate. currently i'm kind of hungry... but whatever. i guess this isn't anything new. i feel pretty depressed though, and at the moment, it definitely is because of my diet. i've been thinking about using some pills. like slimquick. i looked it up before, it seems like it might possibly work. i read a lot of people's reviews. some say it helps, some say it doesn't, but i didn't see many people complaining about much of anything, and no one said there was any bad side effects. the main pro of the product is that it helps people to feel full.

i don't really feel like writing anymore. just feel depressed. i know this is crazy, but i really feel like a big part of life is food. and well, i don't have much going for my life, so it looks like i've been taking food for granted, because now that i'm stuck eating crap, i realize how awful it can be.