<< 07-22-09 >>


@ 12:11 a.m.

so yea. this template wasn't what i was originally going to make, but it ended up happening. this song has been stuck in my head the past week or so, and it kinda inspired me to come up with a story that i could write about. but knowing me i'll never get around to it. but speaking of music, i currently love the shins.

i wanted to write a few days ago, but i forget why and i didn't end up doing it.

honestly, there's a lot that i could write about, but i'm not really sure what to say. me and c have been doing okay, i guess. i still wonder about him sometimes. i don't think he feels any strain whatsoever between our relationship, and i'm beginning to wonder if maybe i'm just imagining it all. but lately, i feel like we're fighting a lot, and he thinks that i'm just fighting him every step of the day. i just don't get how he could be so goddamn stubborn about so many little things so much of the time. and honestly, i want to say that i'm not stubborn, and i think once upon time, or with normal people i'm not, but maybe that's not true. i feel like because of him, i've become really fucking stubborn. it's just that sometimes i feel he is soo goddamn illogical. maybe it's because he's so goddamn un-gullible. like whenever i tell him something, it's like he refuses to believe it, and i feel like he should believe it because it makes sense, it's logical. he can't even seem to admit to the possibility that it could be logical. fighting with him is so painful. i feel that i should probably just forget trying anymore, and just let him win. but doing that is so hard sometimes, because sometimes i feel like he's so illogical, and that bothers me so much...