<< 07-29-10 >>


@ 7:03 a.m.

it feels almost as if i'm back to having a normal life again. i mean i know i sounded crazy in my last entry, but besides that incident, i've been pretty normal lately. because c wanted to play dungeons and dragons with some new friends/classmates he met, he made me tag along. although i've never been into d&d, and really the prospect of playing it did bother me... as well, i had no interest whatsoever in it, now that we've made our characters and started playing, it actually is kind of fun. i don't care so much for the role playing aspect which a lot of the other people are kind of getting into, but the game itself is not so bad, it's pretty fun.

and because lately my internet has been shit, and well, added to the fact that nobody has come looking for me, i've pretty much stopped being on ro. it's been nearly a month or maybe even longer. i still think about playing sometimes, but i don't really. who knows. i'm not saying i quit, i'm just saying i haven't been on.

it's so weird doing things with people in rl. it's mostly just been me and paul, that being around other people is.. just somethng i'm not used to. it's nice i guess to have come out of my hiding.

work has been pretty crazy lately, yoy has gone on vacation for 2 weeks, and i've pretty much taken over her job. i know it sounds crazy, but as much as the work is more, and kind of tiring, it's nice to feel in charge. it's nice to be counted upon. for awhile, i swear it was as if none of the new people cared i existed. they treated me as if i were knew and didn't know anything.

c and i are doing great. he got accepted to usc. i was really worried about this, and now that that's been done, i feel like a huge stress has been lifted of my shoulders. he started his new job, though they're not giving him much hours. i'm hoping that will change shortly, but at least he's working. it's something. plus he makes $25/hr, so even his short working is still a good payoff.

i have no been trying very hard to lose weight lately. i still want to, but i've gotten really lazy, that i don't really want to go to the gym anymore. i've just been stuck between 145-150lb and it seems like it's going to stay there. i want to go down to 140lb within the next 2 weeks, but i don't think i'm working that hard for it, so it makes me believe it probably wont happen.

in other really awesome great news- i've gotten back to ddr. i know nobody seems to care about ddr anymore, but i'm so happy to be getting back into it. i feel like this is my chance to be truly good at it once and for all. i've been stuck on the easier side of heavy mode. i could only do the songs i was familiar with, which mostly involved some 7-footers. so i decided after anime expo that i realy want to try to get into it again, and learn, so i did. i downloaded step mania, and it has helped me so much. i passed my first 9-footer song this past weekend and fairly well too, after trying it for the first time ("can't stop falling in love" speed mix), and i even beat Matsuri japan which i haven't been able to beat for a long time now. i didn't do that well on it, but at least i beat it.

i really think working out at the gym helped me with this feat. before i would get so tired after a few certain songs, but now i find myself with so much more stamina that after completing a song, i'm not dreadfully tired. it's refreshing... and kind of a dream come true.

anyway, it's time for work.