<< 05-15-10 >>


@ 11:37 a.m.

the thought seemed to occur to me when my brother said that he didn't care to kill bugs and i thought what difference does it make because there's millions of them anyway, and it occured to me that there's millions and well, more accurately a few billions of humans living on earth, and though we like to believe that humans are the most intelligent creatures of the earth and we are the most capable and believe ourselves to be the most deserving of life and that taking the life of another is wrong, what if that's not the case at all. we think bugs are insignificant because they are small and there's millions of them, but aren't we the same. we are also small and there's millions of us. so i cannot help but think that what if we're the insignifcant bugs that some other higher being is thinking that could be or should be easily squashed because there's too many of us and we're ugly and annoying and also getting in that higher being's way. and i'm not sure if i may or may not be talking about god or a god here, but i'm trying to also imply what if everything we discovered about the universe is wrong so far, what if we just think we're intelligent and we're figuring stuff out about our world, but actually what we know is just imaginings and theories all based on what's not realy there after all. what if we're the ants living in the human world? what if what we actually think is dying early is actually those humans intervenning and killing us? most bugs understand the way of the world and they know to hide themselves, and know when to come out. they're not that much different from us in how we survive, and how we know social tendencies. but there's also those bugs that are out there, coming out at the wrong time of day, what if humans death.. car accidents... and other untimely death are really just us being there at the wrong time. maybe my theory is completely crazy, but i can't help but think that i really don't think we are the smartest of the beings out there (that would be way too insanely conceited) and i can't but think sometimes that because we think that we're so smart, we tend to believe we have evertyhing figured out and that leads me to believe that it has clouded our judgement. what if we're wrong about everything and just living and adjusting to the world we've believed and built for ourselves? isn't that what bugs have done?